Getting the Most From Your Discovery Call

AWESOME! I can’t wait to talk to you!

To make sure you get the most from our time together, here are a couple of suggestions!

  • Be ready for the call. My schedule tends to fill up very fast and often is packed back to back so, if we get started late, we won’t be able to spend the full 20 minutes together.
  • Find a quiet place. If you need to, go out and sit in your car. That’s the easiest place I’ve found to find peace and quiet!
  • Be ready to take notes. Have a notepad ready, you’ll have homework!
  • Participate fully, with an open mind. Very often we limit ourselves through our own cognitive biases. One of the benefits of having a coach is that they are not constrained by our limitations. You just have to be open to hearing them!

Again, I’m really looking forward to talking with you. In the meantime, download that worksheet and get back on the path of building the business you need so you can have the life you want!

Best Huntsville Business Coach Thom Rigsby Signature